Thermage FLX - Pre Treatment Care


  1. Cease using any skincare products for 2-3 days that contain strong active ingredients such as Vitamin A, AHA’s (Glycolic and/or Lactic Acid) and BHA’s (Salicylic Acid). If you are uncertain if your skincare contains any of the above ingredients let us know and we can assist in informing you.

  2. On the day of your appointment please wear comfortable clothing with minimal jewellery and metallic objects on your person.

  3. A make-up free face is also preferred to ensure a smooth running treatment.

    The treatment can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours so make sure you have allocated enough time for the complete procedure.


Please take a moment to read the information below and advise us if you are experience any of the following:

  • Undergoing chemo/radiotherapy 

  • Epilepsy

  • Pregnancy  

  • Any active injury or inflammation to the treatment area (E.g. active acne, mild to moderate eczema and psoriasis)

  • History of cold sores; you may require an antiviral prescription before treatment

  • Use of photosensitising medications such as Accutane or Doxycycline. It is your responsibility to ensure none of your medications and supplements are photosensitizing

  • Immunosuppressive diseases such as HIV, AIDS or immunosuppressive medications

  • Uncontrolled hormonal disorders such as Diabetes, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome etc

  • Use of anticoagulants or bleeding disorders

  • History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring

  • Skin peels, laser facials or any other abrasive treatments on treated area preceding 4 weeks of treatment