Non-surgical double chin and body fat-freezing.
CLATUU ALPHA uses a controlled cooling process to slowly cool your fat cells to a temperature that causes them to crystallize. Once this crystallization occurs, your body recognises these fat cells as being damaged which causes your natural processes of elimination to kick into gear and remove these fat cells via your urine and sweat.
CLATUU ALPHA is the world No.1 Dualsculpting system with precise 360° surround cooling that achieves maximum coverage of the treatment area and provides fast and effective dual handpiece fat-freezing treatments. The CATUU system maintains a constant target temperature that prevents unwanted side effects with a proven track record of dependability and clinical efficacy. The CLATUU Alpha can non-invasively freeze and remove significant fat from your double chin to the knees, thanks to the technology’s 360° Surround Cooling that provides body contouring like no other.
Double Chin
Upper Arms
Bra Line
Love Handles
Outer Thighs
Inner Thighs
Imagine putting a glass of water and a stick of butter in the fridge. The glass of water will cool down but it will not freeze. The stick of butter, however, will become hard and un-useable. This same principle applies to the Clatuu Alpha process. All of the other cells in your body are made of water and will not respond to the cooling the same way as your fat cells will.
Depending on the area targeted, your treatment should take up between 40-60 minutes. Rest assured, your Therapist will carefully select which cooling times are optimal for a fully effective session.
You may feel slight tugging and pinching on your skin into the first 5 treatment minutes, but the numbing eventually gives you more than enough comfort to partake in other leisure activities.
You may experience slight redness, bruising, and soreness after initial numbing in the target areas subside. Such adverse effects, however, shouldn’t prevent you from your daily routine.
If you keep up with new eating habits and workouts recommended by your doctor after treatment, expect impressive fat reduction changes over the course of 4 weeks up to the 3-month mark.
Each treatment on average delivers a 20-30% reduction in fat. Therefore most clients are happy with just 1 session. You can, however, treat the same area up to 3 times for more dramatic results.
Clatuu Alpha treatment is not designed as a weight-loss substitute, but rather as a way to change and re-contour your body.
If for example, you are typically an “apple-shaped” person who holds weight around their tummy, treatment of the abdomen would give you more of an “hourglass” shape. If you were to put on weight in the future, you would still be this hourglass shape, just a larger version of it.
If you struggle with stubborn fat just about anywhere on your body and won’t burn off simply from morning jogs and costly dieting regimens, talk to your doctor about planning your own session.
Certainly! Check with your therapist if you qualify for treatments 4 weeks after your first session. Until then, you can also receive massage therapy to boost circulation for the ultimate look you desire.
An overall assessment will be conducted to illustrate the recommended course of treatment and design to best meet your expectation. Note that some areas of the body will be more ideal areas to treat than others.
Your treatment areas will be marked up and you will be positioned to allow proper and effective placement of the cool gel pad and the CLATUU Alpha handpiece.
You will be advised to remain in a comfortable position for the duration of the treatment.
Suction and cooling will activate to start the cryolipolysis process. When finished, the handpiece and the gel pad will be removed and the treatment area will be massaged for 2 minutes to help the skin back to normal.
Price per applicator is $350.00
Recommended number of applicators per treatment area
Double Chin 1-2 applicators
Upper Arms 2 applicators
Outer Thighs 2 applicators
Inner Thighs 2 applicators
Bra Line 2 applicators
Abdomen 1-4 applicators
Love Handles / Lower Back 2-4 applicators
Afterpay & ZipPay are available in clinic.
Complimentary Consultation
Book Complimentary Consultation
We look forward to meeting with you and answering all your questions. We do not charge for consultations, even if you decide not to proceed with a treatment.